Post Office Box 87, Lignum, VA 22726
Charge Office: 540-399-1843 Pastor’s Study: (540) 423-1259 eMail:
Sunday Services at 11:15, 23557 Lignum Road, Lignum, Virginia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information Contact: Rev. Stan Mulford, 540-399-1843
Back to Church Sunday Celebration in Lignum
In the Christian tradition, every Sunday is a day of celebration. Christians gather to worship and rejoice and have for over two thousand years. Remembering that tradition, more than twenty thousand churches across America will celebrate National Back to Church Sunday on September 15th. Participating congregations are making an extra effort to invite friends and neighbors to come “back” to church, even if they’ve never been to church before at all.
Hopewell United Methodist Church in Lignum will be joining the celebration. All are invited to the regular Sunday worship service at 11:15 and then after service to stay for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and fun. Casual dress is welcome for service, come as you are. The afternoon’s activities include a cook out, hay rides, face painting, ice cream, games for kids, and games for grown-ups too. There will be fun for all. And, the event is planned for “Rain or Shine.” If it rains, the activities will be moved into the Fellowship Hall.
Stan Mulford, pastor of the East Culpeper Charge, which includes Hopewell United Methodist Church, and the whole congregation invite the community to gather for worship and for an afternoon of activities following the service. Services and events at the church are open to all. Hopewell United Methodist Church is located off of Highway 3, one half mile from the Lignum Post Office at 23557 Lignum Road. Ample free parking is available. For more information about this special service, call (540) 399-1853.