Lay Leadership

In an effort to improve communications and our joint ministries across the District, we now have three regional District Lay Leaders:

Mr. Bob Forrest. A member of Aldersgate UMC and will serve the Charlottesville area. His phone number is 434.974.6650 and email is

Mrs. Dian McNaught. A member of Bethlehem UMC, Roseland and will serve the southern region of our district. Her phone number is 434.277.8579 and email is

Mrs. Mira Suddreth. A member of Oak Shade UMC and will serve the northern region of our district. Her phone number 540.829.6561 and email is

First, I want to thank Bob, Dian and Mira for stepping up and serving God in this manner. Their efforts will help us to continue being faithful disciples. And they will be praying for the district churches.

In the near future, you can expect these lay leaders to be contacting you to gather info and to see how they can serve you? Also, feel free to contact them, if you need to get the word out about an event, ministry or special service.

Here is how our District has been divided:

Bob- Albemarle County, (except Dian will serve Batesville Charge; Crozet and Southern Albemarle Charge); City of Charlottesville; Greene County and Louisa County or the Faith Region.

Dian- The three charges listed above; Amherst County; Fluvanna County and Nelson County or the Hope Region.

Mira- Culpeper County; Madison County; Orange County and Rappahannock County or the Love Region.

Together, may we serve the Lord with joy in our hearts!!!

-District Lay Leadership Form: See Forms

-Virginia Conference Board of Laity click
-Lay Delegate to Annual Conference Form: See Forms