Dear Laity and Clergy of Charlottesville District,


I greet you in the name of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ who loves us and abides in us in God’s overflowing grace, love, and peace.

My name is Hyo Lee. My wife, Kay and I are very excited that we will serve the district in the coming years. Last June, I transitioned to the Richmond District office from serving a local church during the pandemic. And on June 30 of this year, I have settled in at the district parsonage in Charlottesville. With this, I see this appointment change as an added blessing that I get to serve the Lord in Charlottesville area with you, as Rev. Danny Kesner said, “God’s good people.”


Please know that I will be staying one week in Charlottesville and another in Richmond, alternating. As I seek to learn the district churches, laity, and clergy, so that I can best support you, I will be relying on the help of the three lay leaders and the leadership of the clergy association. But, for details, two District administrators will help me with coordinating my meetings and schedule. So, if you need to contact me or schedule meetings, Mrs. Linda Truslow (, 434-977-4254) and the Richmond district office Mrs. MaryKaye Cochran (, 804-521-1124) will assist you. Or you can contact me at


As we begin ministry together in this confusing, challenging, and uncertain time, I would like to share with you the word of God that anchors my soul: Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Italics are added)


I look forward to serving the Lord with you in the coming years.


Hyo Lee

Charlottesville/Richmond District Superintendent




Is a program designed to introduce inmates to the glory of God through the gift of their own artistic talents.


Rachel’s Haven ( Formally Charlottesville District Apartment Project. The Charlottesville District United Methodist Churches are raising $400,000 to build or renovate a housing apartment complex. Join the Charlottesville District Mission Team as we move forward with providing housing for men and women with developmental disabilities. Want to get involved? Call the Charlottesville United Methodist District Office at (434) 977-4254! Make a donation!!!


Bishop Lewis -Reading the Bible in a Year

Wesley Foundation UVA

wesley-vision-imageHigher Education and Campus Ministry Highlights: Rev. Deborah Lewis has brought forth incredible leadership and vision to the Campus Ministry setting of UVA where she resides as the Director. Reverend Lewis began to vision where she wanted the ministry at UVA to be five to ten years from now. It is in this time of prayer and waiting on God that has led her to move towards a Capital Campaign where she and her board have raised over $600,000 to transform the space into a more modern, energy efficient, and welcoming space for the students of the Wesley Foundation of the UVA. Many of us will be seeing more news of this soon in various mailings and announcements. Also, Bishop Cho will be joining them on Saturday, April 11, 2015, for their 50-year celebration and the end of their Capital Campaign. (Their public announcement goes out next week but check out their amazing video now.

click on this link for more information

Emanuel Youth Mission

Emanuel Youth MissionEmanuel Youth Mission began in July, 2005 when John Clarkson traveled to rural El Salvador with Marvin Benavides. John saw poverty like none he had ever seen before, with absolutely no resources to change that perpetual cycle. People lived in make shift one room homes with dirt floors, no electricity, no furniture, outdoor kitchens, very little food, perhaps an outhouse or some families used holes for bathrooms, living, working and farming like they had for centuries with no hope of anything different for their children. They could not afford to send their children to school. That November, John and Jonna Clarkson were moved by the Holy Spirit during outdoor Sunday school when those children kneeled in the dirt and prayed to Jesus, their Savior, El Salvador! Their faces lit up with the pure love and joy of knowing Jesus! How long would it be before that JOY turned into discouragement when they learned their lives held no future? The Clarksons were moved to connect the need in El Salvador with resources in Virginia. Marvin wanted to make a difference for his people. The vision for Emanuel Youth Mission began.
Emanuel Youth Mission Winter 2014 newsletter
Emanuel Youth Mission Fall 2014 Newsletter

Westview on the James

Westview Times