East Culpeper United Methodists Plan Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Long before Christmas became the shopping season, it was a time for families to gather, to pause from the busyness of the world, and to enjoy each other’s company as they remembered together all of God’s great gifts to each and all throughout the year. That tradition continues at both churches of the East Culpeper United Methodist Charge.
Having celebrated with special events and activities throughout the Advent Season, the families of Richardsville Church in Richardsville and Hopewell Church in Lignum will each celebrate one final special service in celebration of the season. On Tuesday, December 24th each church will host an evening candlelight service for families in the community. Service times are 6:30 pm at Richardsville and 11:00 pm at Hopewell. The informal services will include congregational hymns, Christmas carols, and a brief message recalling the true meaning of Christmas from the pastor, Rev. Stan Mulford. The light of the Christ Candle will be lit and Holy Communion will be celebrated at each service.
You and your family are invited to join the families of the East Culpeper United Methodist Charge for a reverent evening of family fellowship. Kids in pajamas will be welcome. Richardsville United Methodist Church is located at 29235 Richard’s Ferry Road, in Richardsville. Hopewell Church is located at 23557 Lignum Road in Lignum.